Cormo and California Red Sheep For Sale

Our Cormo and California Red lambs will be born in March and April 2025. If you want lambs be sure to request a reservation form now to get on the list. We fill orders for lambs in the order received.  Scroll down to see all sheep currently available, or click a button to jump to the breed of your choice.  If you wish to purchase or come for a farm visit to see them send us an e-mail or give us a call.

All adult ewes are in prime breeding condition and have received all immunizations, vitamins and minerals plus worming. This represents a major financial benefit to a buyer.

CA Red lambs are $450, Cormo lambs are $500, Adult Cormo are $500, Adult CA Red are $450.

Cormo Rams   Cormo Ewes   California Red Rams   California Red Ewes
