Fleece Sales
Our Cormo and California Red Fleeces, sheared in March 2024. Scroll down to see all fleeces available, or click a button to jump to the breed of your choice. If you wish to purchase send us an e-mail with the fleece numbers of your choices and include your mailing address so that we can get the postage and bill you on Paypal. We also accept checks.
Cormo Fleece California Red Fleece Golden Cormo Fleece
Our fleece is covered most of the year. When it is uncovered it can pick up a little veggie. We skirt our fleece to remove as much soiled fleece as possible. We offer a 100% refund policy on fleece that has not been torn apart and is returned within 10 days of purchase. You pay return postage. The fleece must weigh the same when returned as when we sold it.
Fleece should be washed as soon after you buy it as possible. Very hot water (140 degrees) should be used throughout the washing and rinsing process. DO NOT use boiling water or simmer the dirty fleece to wash it. We use Arm Hammer laundry detergent.
We will assist you if you wish to split a fleece with a friend and ship to 2 addresses at your request. We will also take order for less than a whole fleece and try to match you up with a person who wishes to do the same.
If you wish to purchase send us an e-mail with the fleece numbers of your choices and include your mailing address so that we can get the postage and bill you on Paypal.
Cormo Fleece For Sale
100% Cormo: $26/poundCormo fleece is excellent for spinning fine lace weight yarns and other types of yarn. Cormo fleece takes dye well and produces beautiful colored batts, roving and yarn. Cormo fleece is the fleece of choice for many people who make baby clothes. Cormo garments have a wonderful next to the skin softness.
Our purebred cormo fleece is sold out for this year. We do still have processed Cormo Top and Golden Cormo Fleece available.
Golden Cormo Fleece for Sale
Golden Cross: ($23.00/pound)We will split large fleeces if you do not want the whole thing. Contact us and let us know which you are interested in.
Our COVERED GOLDEN CORMO FLEECE is a real treat! It is a special new cross of Cormo and another breed that produces a soft, fine, crimpy Cormo fleece with golden tones. It has all the beloved features of the pure Cormo. It spins up into a soft, strong yarn with great memory. This is the fleece to use for your special projects.
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Our golden cormo fleece is sold out for this year. We do still have processed Cormo Top available.
California Red Fleece for Sale
100% California Red: ($20.00/pound)Our COVERED CALIFORNIA RED FLEECE is really something special! It has a micron in the low 30s and is soft and can be used for next to the skin wearables. The oatmeal wheat color contains rosy tones and a scattering of soft raspberry colored hair. It spins up into a beautiful yarn that is nice to work with. It makes lovely sweaters, scarfs, hats, socks and even lace weight shawls.
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