Hand Dyed Fiber

Cormo Roving - Hand Dyed

$3.75 per ounce

Our Cormo fleece is hand dyed custom colors and processed into wonderful, soft, bouncy roving that brings life to your projects. It is excellent for spinning into fine lace weight yarn. It will produce a yarn with strength and memory. You have to see a spider like yarn spun with Cormo Roving made into a shawl...breath taking.

Cormo Roving gives a comfortable, next to the skin softness for sweaters you really want to wear. Cormo Roving does NOT make itchy yarn like some of the other fine fibers. You can knit up a worsted weight, bulky weight or sport weight and ply it to meet your needs. Some of our customers who buy Cormo Roving like to ply it with Mohair, Angora or Alpaca to keep the soft, strong quality to their yarn.

Cormo Roving also spins into a baby soft yarn praised for it's use in high quality baby clothes and next to the skin wearables . It will not itch and has been processed here in the USA using approved methods and not the harsh chemicals used in China.

Cormo Roving is excellent for felting. It performs much like Merino in needle felting or wet felting projects. Our Cormo Roving makes great light weight wall hangings and thin sheets of felted yardage for making custom clothing. The project retains a softer feel when Cormo Roving is used. However, the Cormo Roving makes up into a good strong project that holds it shape.

Angora Goat

Hand Dyed Mohair Roving

$4.00 per ounce

Mohair Roving that spins a joyful, jewel-like sheen into your hand spun yarn is now available. You can also ply hand spun mohair yarn with your handspun Cormo yarn and make a magnificent two ply yarn.

Our registered White Angora Goats produce excellent Mohair that I wash and dye myself. I use a combination of kid and yearling fiber to create many different colors for you to mix and match to suit your needs. Below are pictures showing all our colors. You may contact me with your choices of color and amount and I will create your assortment of any colors you desire.

Cormo & Mohair Batts

Our 12" x 36" soft batts are custom blended on a Patrick Green Super Carder right here on our farm. You can mix and match any number of batts to meet your needs. We are showing just a few samples here. If you have a project that calls for certain colors we can make batts from any of the roving colors posted on our Cormo Roving page or the Mohair Roving page. We can also make batts blending Cormo and Mohair, or you may request a combination of colors to be blended into batts. Be sure to contact us and ask any questions you may have.

Batts are wonderful for felting projects. They allow you to quickly cover larger surfaces or work over a hat form with greater ease. We sell batts to a number of clothing designers.

Batts are used by handspinners who want to create original multi colored yarn or by those who want the convenience of just carrying around a batt and a drop spindle. It makes it easy to spin on a regular wheel also. 

Cormo Batt (1 ounce) $5.00              Mohair Batt (1.5 ounce) $5.00